Crooked Trails ATV Club Membership Application
                    JAN.1-DEC31 ​​
Crooked Trails ATV Club
To join, please print the application, complete it (please print clearly) and send it in with your annual dues.

Mail to: Tammy Wynen 15427 Chapel Lane Crivitz Wi 54114
Please make checks payable to: Crooked Trails ATV Club, Inc.

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________________________________________

State: ___________ Zip: _____________

Telephone Number: (_____) _________ - ________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________

Membership Dues: Single Membership $10.00, Family Membership $20.00

Please check one: Single ___ Family ____ Number of person in family ________
Note: A family membership includes 2 adults and all children under the age of 18 years old.

Associate Member: _______ $50 Annually. An associate membership is an entity that would like to contribute to the Club financially for trial improvements and the like, but remain inactive.

Donation Only: __________ Thanks for your support!

© Website created by Doug Bergman